Mild flavor, very pleasant on the palate. Used in savory dishes and many pastries, but also in smoked or pickled foods, pâtés, court-bouillons and marinades.
Price: 16.00/100 g.
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Allspice(Pimenta dioica) is a tree in the Myrtaceae family. It is a species of tropical America, whose fruit is the source of a spice called allspice. The dried fruit is called four-spice, because it develops aromas reminiscent of pepper, cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg.
Use: in cookies mixed with cinnamon, in stews,...
Use: mulled wines, cooked pear and apple...
This exotic, sweet passion fruit berry from...
Replaces fresh bell pepper without its...
Fine, fresh and powerful aroma. Use:...
A classic, aromatic pepper with a strong...
Energizing, stimulating caffeine-free herbal...
Use: Reminiscent of thyme and cumin, for...
Use: bouquet garni, gingerbread, pastries,...
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